Sarah James PearseThe Power to Create Change Through Our Subconscious BeliefsAdvertising works so well because it slips past our conscious brain and speaks directly to our subconscious fears and desires. Around 95%…Dec 26, 2020Dec 26, 2020
Sarah James PearseStillness is my SuperpowerI have started and stopped this piece so many times because often I think who am I to be speaking of this? I am just as off-course. There…Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Sarah James PearseThe antidote to perfectionismPerfectionism is a survival strategy disguised as a cure. It is born as a response to our deep feelings of inadequacy and shame. The…Nov 21, 2020Nov 21, 2020
Sarah James PearseMaking Reality as Pleasurable as a FantasyGenerally we think of dopamine as the neurochemical which gives us pleasure. We think of it as integral to our reward system. However, I…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
Sarah James PearseThe Danger of Empathy in Finding LoveEmpathy is generally seen as a commendable trait, one that won’t lead us astray. However, there is a darker side of empathy which can get…Jan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
Sarah James PearseShame is Bread in IsolationHow shame might be the unknown poison affecting your life and how to uproot it.Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Sarah James PearseThe Cultural Meaning of Postpartum DepressionPostpartum depression is a debilitating experience which affects anywhere from 7.1% to 25% of women¹. Although Postpartum Depression or…Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019
Sarah James PearseHow to Achieve Rest When we are Anxious, Stressed, and Not SleepingWe have been told since we were little kids that getting 8 hours of sleep is vital to our overall health and well-being. As someone who…Aug 18, 2019Aug 18, 2019
Sarah James Pearse“Get off your medication and meditate.”How the unexamined beliefs of the wellness world can be damaging to mental health.Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019
Sarah James PearseWhich developmental stage am I at in my mental health journey?How developmental stages of mental health influence our capacities for change, growth, and joyJul 17, 2019Jul 17, 2019